audience feedback
"We, as social workers, therapists ... need validation as to what we need to do to better serve our clients. You did a tremendous job with this workshop and it is the best I have ever been to."
Bachelor of Social Work Intern
"This presentation should be part of every clinician's education. Very important perspective that is crucial to being an effective therapist."
Social Worker, Veteran Affairs Medical Center
"I thought I was alone with the nagging suicidal thoughts until I heard Susan speak. I felt like everything she said was ... about me and my experiences. Susan's [presentation] and her book are great inspirations."
Patient, Baystate Behavioral Health Unit
"Your presentation validates my hope."
Parent of son with bipolar disorder
"WOW! Great introspection and ability to convey what worked and what didn't for her."
Adolescent Case Manager, Ridgeview Institute
"I left in a better mood with great tips. Truly helpful tips I had never heard before." Psychology Student
"Detailed, candid, practical, encouraging, hopeful."
Social Worker
"A good patient-centered guide/course to patient care."
Patient Advocate
“I asked one of the veterans what he thought and he described it as 'AMAZING'".
Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Washington, D.C. Veteran Affairs Medical Center
"Your program made me think about what I can do to help myself and others."
Certified Peer Specialist, Chauncy Hall Academy
"Encouraging, motivational, hopeful, helpful ..."
Patient, McLean Hospital
"I am more aware of my own suicidal thoughts and patterns, and that I am worth [breaking] the cycles."
Student, Hampshire College
"It was fascinating to hear about the journey and honest feelings surrounding suicide attempts. This program should be attended by anyone working with individuals who have attempted suicide."
School Psychologist
"Very powerful, genuine ... good audience involvement."
Life Skills Manager
"Action-oriented language was great."
Mental Health / Substance Abuse Counselor
"Informative and engaging, whether you experience mental illness, love someone who does, or help those who do."
Executive Director, New Hampshire Medical Society
"I work with many folks who struggle with suicidal ideation ... It's increased my compassion, empathy, and understanding of [and for] their struggle." Mental Health Counselor
"This was the most informative workshop I have ever been to. We need more workshops that show the client's perspective of dealing with mental illness." Social Worker
"She puts into words what I've lived for fifteen years."
Mental Health Counselor